Dear Supporter,
As you may know, my time apprenticing with the Center for Global Action has come to an end. The 2 and a half year journey that the Lord has had me on has come to an end, and seasons are changing for me. God took me on a journey, both around the world and in America, to deconstruct many lies and preconceived notions I had about what it means to follow Jesus, and invited me to walk into an intimate relationship with Him and become the woman He has created me to be.
While I began to pray about where the Lord was taking me next, He brought a verse to memory. The verse was Luke 7: 37, “While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head.” The woman is later identified as Mary, and it is also made known that the perfume she poured over Jesus’ would have costed her around an entire year’s pay at that time. Her actions not only conveyed her deep devotion to her Savior, but also her insight into His true identity and purpose. Mary sacrificed her livelihood, offering up her entire income at the feet of Jesus.
The alabaster jar represents many different things to each of us. Being 20 years old, I do not have the finances to make the sacrifice this woman made in scripture. But what I break at the Lord’s feet every single day is my life. When God began speaking this scripture over me, I wondered what a life like an alabaster jar is; broken into a million pieces and scattered all around you. “What do you do with that, God?” “You give the pieces away.”
After much prayer, I have come to realize that God has spoken that very word over me for this next season: given. He is sending me out again, but this time in a different role. I am excited to announce that I am being sent by God to the nation of Ghana for the month of June, serving as Team Leader for an Adventure in Missions Passport trip. Passport Trips are 1 to 3 month college age mission trips organized by AIM, the same organization I have been with the past 2 years. This time though, I will be leading, serving, and loving a team of women, and am so excited to watch them step into their Kingdom identities and discover who the Father says they are. It is a privilege to have the opportunity empower and encourage them through this process, while being able to be given for them. Jesus has entrusted them to me for this short-term mission to give to them what He has given to me over the past few years, specifically through the leadership track I have been a part of the past 8 months at CGA.
The calling the Lord has placed on my life has a very serious reality to it. This reality is that the work the Lord has called me to leads me to ask people to invest in me and to partner in what God is doing through me in this world. I am still currently $918 away from being fully funded for CGA, and need to raise $2,000 in support for this mission in Ghana. Bringing my total support raising goal $2,918, which I need by July 1st. So I am inviting you to be a part of something greater than yourself.
I am inviting you to partner with me, and pray about giving financially to support the calling into leadership that the Lord has placed on my life. I am searching for people who believe in what God is doing through college age women, the nations, and myself. He is moving in powerful ways in this world, and I need your help to bring this movement to fruition. I have spent hours praying that God would stir people’s hearts to join His mission, and I hope that you are an answer to this prayer. You can contact me with questions or prayers at, or you can donate at
Much love,
Morgan Reeves