Hey! My name is Morgan Reeves and I am an Austinite, born and raised. For those of you who don’t have the pleasure of knowing what that is, it means I have had the privilege of living in Austin, Texas for my entire life. Upon graduating high school, I embarked on the World Race Gap Year, a 9 month missions trip to Guatemala, Malaysia, and Botswana. I am currently 19 years old, and getting ready to move to Gainesville, Georgia to apprentice at Adventures in Missions through a program called the Center for Global Action.
Here are 10 neat facts about me:
1. I love love love to talk and when it involves topics that excite me, I can be rather “loud”
2. I love even more to listen to others
3. Anything involving music I am obsessed with, including ridiculously dancing and singing(even though I may make a fool of my self)
4. Anything involving food is even better
5. I absolutely enjoy writing
6. Yes, I am a firm believer that Texas is in fact the greatest state.
7. Guatemala is where God revealed His calling for me, I was 17 years old
8. I can’t pick a favorite color or animal because I am indecisive and like them all
9. Reading is one of my favorite things to do (NOT INCLUDING SCHOOL REQUIRED READING)
10. And above all else, I love the Lord my God with all my heart and soul, and have a passion for His children everywhere
If you are reading this now, you are one of my new favorite people! Please continue to read and pray over my walk with God, much of which you will be able to experience through my eyes due to this blog. If you feel called to investing in me financially, you can do so by clicking the donate button to your left. Thanks for your support and God bless!